Breaking Friendship

mjoa Sunday October 17, 2010 232
When you feel everything around you is in slow motion
When you search for him, but never find him like he’s lost in an ocean
When you keep on moving, looking all around
Feeling your lost with no direction
You realize that losing that friendship
Has evaporated all satisfaction
When you close your eyes, hoping when you open them he’ll be there
You realize that wherever you are, you’re a pin in a stack of hay
He has left his hood, and turned away
He has abandoned you for no reason, and now you’re in the middle of nowhere
What do you do when there’s a price you have to pay
With it you’ve bought the misery you’re living in today
I want to know why are you so willing to lose
The brotherhood between us
You now even refuse to look back at our lost
I don’t want you to close
The mementos that cost
The 13 years between me and you
Cause I’ll never give up us
You got to tell me what to do, to save what was you and me
I’m not leaving you sad and blue,
I’m not letting us be used to bes
If you are so ready to lose, the sibling that’s found in me
Let me tell you that I refuse, the way you’re treating me
I’m losing the brother found in you
But you’ll forever have that sister in me!
كل الصداقات تؤدي إلى خلافات كثيرة، وهنا تسأل الكاتبة رفيقها لماذا هو مستعد أن يمحي الذكريات الحلوة ويبقى متذكراً خلاف بسيط أدى إلى هذا الشجار! وتطلب منه المسامحة وتتمنى أن يعود إلى مرحلة الأخوة ولا يتصرف كالأعداء!