Turkish Ambassador Visits His Beatitude JOHN X in Balamand

mjoa Sunday April 28, 2013 52

you7anna10.truqishOn Friday, April 26, 2013, His Beatitude Patriarch JOHN X invited Mr. Süleyman İnan Özyıldız, the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Beirut to meet with him in the Patriarchal Residence at Balamand. During their meeting, His Beatitude renewed his condemnation of the kidnapping of both Bishops Paul Yazigi and John Ibrahim.

At the same time, His Beatitude re-emphasized the position of the Orthodox Church concerning coexistence, human rights, the firm Christian presence well rooted in this region, and the rejection of all kinds of violence.

Based on these fixed principles, His Beatitude stressed the need to exercise joint efforts, at all levels, in order to achieve the safe return of both bishops to their dioceses as soon as possible, and the release of all prisoners everywhere. For his part, the Turkish Ambassador assured His Beatitude that the Turkish government continues to follow up on the efforts made in this regards.
