Testimonies of Miracles Following the Repose of Elder Justin Parvu

mjoa Friday June 28, 2013 71

elder justinIn the Romanian website Blog de Dogmatică Empirică, there is a testimony from Professor Marian Maricaru regarding miraculous events that followed the venerable repose of Elder Justin Parvu at the Monastery of Petru Vodă in Moldavia. Comments below this article by other witnesses confirm the details of these events.






As we know, the blessed Elder reposed on Sunday 16 June 2013 and was buried on Thursday 20 June 2013.

According to the testimony of witnesses, the body of the Elder showed no rigor mortis, which also occurs with Athonite monastics. The skin of his hands were soft, even four days after his repose, and an unusual fragrance came from his relic. Even those who were initially skeptical of the myrrhgushing, saw at the embrace of his body drops of liquid from which derived an exquisite fragrance coming out of the hands and forehead of the Elder.

The entire atmosphere of the funeral was resurrectional. Nowhere could be seen a resemblance to the grief of people at death. The tears of the people were tears of joy and not sadness. The body of the Elder itself, with his venerable form, made you feel the joy of the Resurrection. According to Professor Marian, he had never felt this at any other funeral.

Another source reports that following the repose of the Elder, during the night of Sunday the 16th towards the 17th of June 2013, tears came from the eyes of the Elder. The Monastery invited a team of doctors to interpret this event, but none were able to give a scientific explanation.


