Chinese Orthodox will be educated in Khabarovsk Seminary

mjoa Friday October 25, 2013 128

In October 2013 an educational programs for foreign students began to be implemented in the Khabarovsk Seminary.. This program is created in accordance with the Federal Law on Education of the Russian Federation № 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, the Charter of the Khabarovsk Theological Seminary and the Church educational standard of higher theological education in the field of Orthodox theology.

The implementation of the Curriculum for foreign students will be carried out via distance learning. Denis Georgievich Golubev, who heads the Department of Church and practical disciplines, was appointed coordinator of the program.

The program is designed to create all the necessary conditions for practical training in the Russian language and training in Orthodox culture for citizens of the countries of East Asia. The first students were Orthodox Chinese who at baptism received the names of Amvrossy and Anatoly.

During their session at services in the seminary church, prayers are in Chinese, and at liturgy they read passages from scripture and learn the skill of an altar server.