The ‘Other’ in Karl Rahner’s Transcendental Theology and George Khodr’s Spiritual Theology

mjoa Tuesday September 4, 2012 283

The ‘Other’ in Karl Rahner’s Transcendental Theology and George Khodr’s Spiritual Theology Within the Near Eastern Context – Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2012. 298 pp. International Theology. Vol. 16
Edited by Jürgen Moltmann, Michael Welker and William Schweiker

Peter Lang- The Other- Sylvie Avakian

Print: ISBN 978-3-631-63430-1 hb.
SFR 63.00 / €* 55.95 / €** 57.50 / € 52.30 / £ 41.80 / US$ 67.95
eBook: ISBN 978-3-653-01795-3
SFR 66.40 / €* 62.24 / €** 62.76 / € 52.30 / £ 41.80 / US$ 67.95
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Book synopsis
According to Karl Rahner’s transcendental theology, God is present in the inner reality of every being. Salvation is therefore possible for all. The author proposes a hermeneutical key to be applied on Rahner’s works, based on the assumption that there are two different theological motives or claims in Rahner’s theology. Furthermore the author presents George Khodr’s position concerning the non-Christian religions, particularly Judaism and Islam, within the contemporary Near-Eastern context. Khodr, based on the Patristic heritage of the Eastern Church, makes salvation possible for the ‘Other’ – Christ is the horizon of every human yearning for love and freedom. The ‘Other’ in this sense is the symbol for divine presence in one’s life. It is the very recognition of God, seeing God in the face of the ‘Other’.

Contents: Karl Rahner’s Transcendental Theology – Philosophical-Theological Foundations – George Khodr and the Contemporary Near Eastern Theology – Theological Anthropology – Rahner and Khodr – Das Sein-Seiende vis-à-vis the Divine nerhgea – The Metaphysical Language of the West and the Spiritual Reality of the East – World History as Salvation History – Christian Faith as the Actualization of Human Freedom.

About the author(s)/editor(s)
Sylvie Avakian is currently a lecturer in Systematic Theology at the Near East School of Theology, Beirut.
