We will miss you around

mjoa Tuesday December 2, 2008 360

As a person from Akkar, I’d say we were nothing without him, his grace and love were enough to recreate Akkar, following the steps of his Master…. it is a true loss for us, but knowing that he will be watching over us from up above we will have the peace that he always want us to have…. we miss you our beloved teacher, you were the father and the Master, you were everything for many…. everyone in Akkar today cries you with tears, we kiss you goodbye. we will miss you around.
On the last day before I came back from Lebanon, I went to see sayidna, but he wasn’t there, I spoke to him over the phone, he had a wedding, he apologized for not being able to see me, and he said goodbye, he blessed me, I never thought I will never see him again… I never thought that this goodbye was meant to be forever. Goodbye my father, I know it is hard to say it now, this is the day the lord has made…. Christ is Risen…. today we pay you a little of what we owe you, you always prayed for us, and now we pray for you, god bless your soul… watch over us from up above, you will always be in our heart…

