برقية تعزية من الأب كريستوف، رئيس سندسموس‏

الاب كريستوف Saturday September 14, 2013 268

برقية تعزية من الاب كريستوف، رئيس سندسموس

A letter from Syndesmos president Fr. Christophe D’Aloisio


Cher Frère en Christ,

Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre message.

Veuillez accepter que je me joigne à votre sentiment à la fois de tristesse pour la séparation et de réconfort à l’idée que nos mouvements, qui sont au service de l’Église, comptent désormais un intercesseur de plus auprès du Seigneur, en la personne de notre frère Albert.

Je vous prie d’être assuré de mes prières pour Albert et pour tout le MJO dont j’admire la haute mission qu’il accomplit au service du Seigneur, dans les circonstances difficiles que l’on sait.


p. Christophe


Syndesmos – in Memoriam

the World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth announces with deep sorrow the passing away, Tuesday 10th September 2013, of Albert Laham at the age of 89, who has been actively involved in Syndesmos since the foundation of the Fellowship.

Throughout all his life, Albert Laham served the Church of Christ, in various positions. He will remain alive in our memories as a man of dialogue and a witness of hope.

Albert Laham served in Syndesmos as a Vice-President for 6 years (1958-1964) and as a President for 13 years (1964-1977). After his term and until the end of his life, he remained a strong and faithful support to all Syndesmos initiatives.
All of us remember his brilliant theological spirit and his joyful presence in the XVIIth General Assembly, in Durres, Albania.

May the Lord remember his faithful servant Albert in his Kingdom now and ever and to the ages of ages.

Memory Eternal!

On behalf of the Fellowship,
Fr. Christophe D’Aloisio,

