
The Orthodox Youth Movement is a spiritual movement that calls all the Orthodox believers to a religious, ethical, cultural and social renaissance. OYM calls for the creation of a renaissance movement within the Orthodox Church. All the believers who uphold the cause of Jesus Christ in Antioch are part of the movement even if they…

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Everything, The Orthodox Youth Movement does, is only a practical expression of its passion for Jesus Christ. Therefore, no obstacle, confrontation or vain glory can obstruct its mission or consecration according to the Lord’s calling. .   The Orthodox Youth Movement perceives its pastoral vocation as a way to guide the parish to the field…

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The sole identity of the Orthodox Youth Movement is the life in Christ. Its sole constitution is to live by the Gospel. It thrives on love, fellowship and evangelization. This is what makes OYM a vocational movement animated by the Holy Spirit that dwells in Christ.  .   We exist in order to reveal the…

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