An-Nour Cooperative for Publishing and Distribution

mjoa Wednesday June 25, 2008 410

From the beginning the Orthodox Youth Movement looked forward to publications as a principal facet of evangelization and its ministry to Jesus Christ. In period 1954- 1958 OYM founded An-Nour Publishing House. Thus, OYM aimed at publishing religious, dogmatic and intellectual books that deal with faith concerns in relationship to the contemporary cogitation. These books ponder on the life of the church and the believers in addition to the patristic heritage.


Having published more than two hundred books and with the aim of improving and widening the horizons of the publishing process, OYM has recently established a cooperative publishing house called “An-Nour Cooperative for Publishing and Distribution”, which will benefit of a variety of potentials and talents present in the church. More than fifty million Lebanese pounds were the subscriptions of over 200 subscribers.

The work of Al-Nour Cooperative is bound by the institutional frame. The general assembly which is composed of all the subscribers receives and discusses the annual internal audit report of the board of directors. It approves the annual budget and elects the board members and their proxies as well as the supervision committee members in compliance with the bye-laws. The board plans all the projects of the cooperative and supervises their implementation and progress. The supervision committee inspects the work of the board and receives its financial reports periodically along with all the related contracts. All these information is included in the annual report submitted at the general assembly.

The Current board of directors is composed of: Attorney Elie Shalhoub (Chair), Dr. Rami Wannous (secretary), Father Mikhael Debs, Mr. Shafic Haydar, Mr. Remon Rizk, Mr. Fadi Naser and Mr. Fouad El-Souri.


The Guidelines followed by the cooperative are:

  • The published material shall spring from Christian faith sources with a special orthodox flavor and shall have biblical foundations.
  • The Human being has an absolute intrinsic value and is free.
  • The dialogue and service are ways to widen human horizons.

The subjects of these publications include: The bible, Church Fathers and History, Theology and dogmas, Liturgy, Catechism, Ecumenism, religions, literature and pastoral and contemporary issues.


For more information please refer to Mr. Abid Badhish the Cooperative director on 818063(03).

For books: Mr. Nabil Zogheib (03)603783, Mr. Georges Rewadi (06)600168, Father Nicolas Remlawi (03)370068, Father Nectarios Bitar (00963)933302033.


